Monday, June 23, 2008

SEO Technique For Better Search Engine Ranking

How many people can answer the question why websites require high search engine rankings? May be the question sounds silly especially for people who are in the search engine marketing field but I think most of the people don't know the proper meaning and use of search engine marketing.Why do people make websites? The answer is simple. Maximum people make websites to give traffic to that website so that people can know more about the site. So how to drive this traffic? One easy way to drive the traffic is better search engine rankings.If you get a good search engine rank with a particular keyword then with that keyword when people will search in the search engine they will get your site. Higher is the ranking in the search engine better is the probability for clicking your site. So always try to get targeted keywords for higher traffics.So the bottom line is for good traffic you will always need a better search engine ranking with the targeted keywords. And if you get good traffic then naturally you site will become popular and you can earn money from this site.The process by which we get high search engine rankings is a part of search engine optimization.Search engine optimization is the process which maximizes your chance of getting good traffic from higher search engine rank. It also optimizes your site and maximizes the chance of getting inbound links to your site from other related sites.Optimizing you site means basically on page optimization. On page search engine optimization means placing your targeted keywords on the title, description and keywords of the metatag for different pages of the site. The keywords should be placed in such a fashion that it should look meaningful especially in the tile and description of the metatag. You should also remember that keywords you are using in a particular page should be at least related to that page. If this rules are followed then on page optimization will definitely help you to improve search engine rank of your site.Inbound links are off page search engine optimization. This is another type of search engine optimization. In this optimization you will try to avail maximum inbound links to your site. But remember you should always get links from the related sites. Irrelevant link exchange can reduce your hope of getting good search engine ranking. Also remember to rotate the anchor text for different sites. Don't make link exchange of link building with only one keyword.Inbound links (also know as backlinks) are always highly beneficial especially the one way link back links. One way link is you are getting links from the site but you don't have to give links to that site. Naturally the search engines will not think you to be a spammer and you can also acquire good number of inbound links. More the number of related inbound links better is the search engine ranking.For better traffic always try to submit your site on the local related directories or local general directories. It will definitely help you to get more traffic.

Article Tags: Improve Search Engine Rank, Seo Expert, Better Search Engine Ranking
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Sunday, June 1, 2008

SEO On-page Optimisation - Ranking Factors

Meta TagsMeta tags are one of the most important factors to consider when optimising a website for the search engines and a lot of consideration should be used before implementing.
"TITLE" This is the first tag to consider as this is the title that will appear in the browser window and will also be indexed as your title with the majority of search engines. In here you need to place your most important keyword at the beginning (i.e. Sea Fishing reels will be "Sea fishing reels") and remember to keep the title short and try and avoid any stop words like "and / or/ the". Instead use a character like the pipe symbol "" (i.e. Sea Fishing Reels shimano westbridge West Yorkshire). TIP the more words you have in your meta tags takes away the emphasis on your important keywords so keep it concise.

"Meta name="description"" this should be the 2nd Meta tag to display which is the description of your website and appears in your indexed listings within the majority of browsers. In here you should also include your keywords but being careful not to over use. In SEO the best practice is to write your content for the viewers and not to stuff it with keywords. Again keep it concise and to the point holding the weight on your main keywords.

"Meta name="keywords"" this should be your 3rd Meta tag but don't worry too much about this Meta as the majority of the big search engines do not look at this. Start with your main keywords and end with the least important. But as before don't make too long

Heading tags
consist of h1, h2, h3 and so on. Most search engines read the content and pick out these headings, as they will see these to be important to your website. It is important to include your first heading as a h1 tag and place as close to the body tag as possible. As you may already of worked out you should try and place keywords into this heading and the following headings. TIP create headings in a hierarchy for instance h1 should come first then h2 and so on.Content
Your homepage should include some textual content, giving you the option to show the search engines and viewers what your website is all about and to persuade the search engines to index you for your relevant category. Your content should be kept short but not too short as to make it look keyword stuffy. Make sure you highlight some keywords with the BOLD tag and place some keywords in hyperlinks, that link internally to other pages (this will strengthen your internal linking structure).NoFollow
Nofollow links indicate to search engine spiders not to follow the link out from your website when crawling.The NoFollow attribute should be used on the majority of outbound links that are not relevant to your industry, thus making sure you do not give out more link juice that is needed.Robots.TXT
Robots.txt is a file that tells the search engines what directories on your web server it should crawl and which to ignore. This enables you to aid the SE's in successfully crawling the important content and leaving the irrelevant content uncrawled. This is helpful to SE's and one good turn for another.Sitemap
There is two types of sitemaps, one for your visitors and SE spiders and one for just SE Spiders. The first sitemap is one that is a page on your website that holds the links to all pages that exist on your website, just like an index page in a book. Visitors can use this to navigate and Spiders use this to follow pages in your website and again strengthens your internal linking structure. The second sitemap is a XML file that is uploaded to your web server and is used by SE's to index as many pages in your website as possible. TIP Place a link to both files from your homepage in the footer to aid the SE's in finding them.ALT Tags
Images have an attribute called ALT, which should be used for accessibility purposes, but should also be used so the SE's can understand what the image is as with current technologies the images on your website can not be viewed by SE Spiders but the code side can be. Again use some keywords in your ALT tags.Web Pages
When planning the structure of your website try and include your keywords within the pages (i.e. name
If you haven't already registered your domain name then great... Register one but try and include a keyword in your domain (i.e. http://www.123seafishing.comUpdates
Making changes to your website, be it amending pages, adding new pages etc is good practice as this keeps your visitors interested and shows the SE's that your site is not dormant.
Thank you for reading this article and i hope you found it useful. If you wish to distribute this articl i would appreciate a linkback to

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About the Author:
Author: Sam Hickson Company: Hatch Media Web Design Manchester SEO

Monday, May 26, 2008

Secret Search Engine Optimization Strategies: How to Turn Keywords into Conversions

by: Derek Gehl
Are you focusing your search engine optimization efforts on getting tons of traffic from the search engines? If you answered yes, then I am about to tell you something completely different from other Internet Marketers. Forget about getting tons of traffic from the search engines. Get LESS traffic that converts MORE! The Secret to Turning Keywords into Conversions is to Keep Your Keywords Focused For example, if your site sells an all-natural remedy for acid stomach problems... You start to do your keyword research and you discover that the keyword phrase "natural remedies" has 288 daily searches. But it has over 2,000,000 sites competing for it. While the phrase, "acid reflux natural remedies" has 67 daily searches with just over 11,000 competing sites. Do you want to spend all your time and effort trying to optimize your website for the first keyword phrase? You may get more searches, but you'll never know how many of those searchers want to buy your stomach acid remedy. Not to mention the HUGE number of competitors the keyword has! Or would you go for the second term, which only has 67 people searching for it -- knowing those 67 people are looking for EXACTLY what you offer? And, it has a MUCH lower competition number to boot! Obviously, the second term is better! Sure, you might get less traffic -- but the visitors you DO get will be MUCH more likely to buy your product. Why You Will Make More Money with Less Traffic That Converts More People search the Internet to find a solution to a problem and not necessarily to buy something. So what problems will they solve by coming to your website? Think of a keyword as a "problem statement" that someone would type into the search engines. When you can match your keywords to the exact problems they're trying to solve. You'll attract the BEST visitors to your site so you can focus all your optimization efforts on them! Here are some more keyword research tips that will help you turn keywords into conversions… Top Search Engine Optimization Tips for Finding Highly Focused Keywords That Will Bring the Absolute Best Buyers to Your Website: Check your server logs. See what keyword phrases people are actually using to find your site. If there's something relevant that you've overlooked, build a page focused on that keyword phrase. Also look for keywords that are causing people to leave right away because they're not finding what they're looking for. Ditch those keywords immediately. Look for "intention." Say you sell cross-country ski equipment. People can come to your website looking for different things. For instance: They're looking to buy a specific product They're looking for product reviews They want information on how to get started in cross-country skiing They want used or discount equipment They want to know what kind of equipment will be best for them They want to know what's new and hot in cross-country ski equipment Same products -- far different intentions! If you optimize a page (or pages) for each different problem people are trying to solve, you'll give them what they're looking for… That means they'll stay on your site longer -- and you'll have a better chance of getting them into the sales process. Check out your competition. What keywords are your competitors optimizing for, and on what pages? You can spy on them by going to their websites and looking at their code! In your web browser, just go to View on the main menu and click on Source or Page Source to "look under the hood" of any competitor's site. Then you can see what they're doing right and what you could do better. Find your best keywords with pay-per-click advertising. This is the fastest way to find out just how well different keywords perform. Pay-per-click lets you run ads based on two or three different keywords at the same time. This enables you can track which ones convert best. Make sure the ads click through to pages that relate directly to the keywords. Focus your SEO efforts on the specific keywords that describe EXACTLY what problem each page solves. Don't be tempted by more general keywords with higher traffic numbers. They'll never send you the traffic you want. Follow these search engine optimization tips and you will turn keywords into conversions. Keywords: how to make money online, how to start internet business, ways to make money online, internet marketing course, online marketing course, internet marketing training course, web marketing course, how to start an internet business, e business strategy, online small business course
About The Author
Derek Gehl helps over 1.8 million Internet business owners per month create incomes of $100,000 to $2.5 MILLION or more per year. Now you can discover the exact roadmap - broken into 6 easy-to-follow steps – that Derek uses to make money on the Internet in record time with minimal investment at:

How much do you earn from blogging every month

If a person is starting blogging to earn from it than its very important question for him that how much he will make from blog. Now there are thoushands of blog and websites on the internet so it is not easy bring lots of traffic to particular sites, if traffic on your site is less so chances of making money is also less. So i have just made a poll to know that on an average how much money a blogger is making from its blog. So if you think that your making enogh money then give your vote.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Useful Web tools from Google:

Useful Web tools from Google: - there are many free tools provided by google for users such as
Webpage Creator: very useful if any one to start small website and want to publish his content for public.
Online Note Book : clip and collect information while surfing the net
Google Docs: anyone can create online document and access anywhere from the world.

All the tool in above list are very useful but apart form this list some are very useful that are Analytics and Webmaster. Both are very useful tool if anyone has its own website or Blog and want to manage them.

Google Analytics: It is very useful for site owner to track and manage site. It gives the full detail about the site from where it is generating the revenue. Which content is most viewed and which keyword is used by the search engine to find the site. It is also integrated with the Adword which help to buy new new keyword for the website. Some of the main features of Analytics are given below
a. Keyword and Campaign Comparison: it tracks all the record that how the website is getting the traffic from internet whether the traffic is direct, through search engine or through referrals sites.
b. Geo Targeting: it gives the details about the source of traffic geologically. It is overview about the source of location. Which is very useful to find that site is attracting which type of people and what content liked by them. It also gives nation wise chart.
c. Traffic Source overview: it provide details about source of traffic from where users are coming to website. It also contain keyword search which keyword used by search engine for the website and how many visits for that keyword. It is very to useful to find which keyword attracting most traffic and help to manage content according to that
d. Visitor Overview: - it provides how many visitors are coming to the website and also gives how many new visitors. Including with page views along with time on site.
e. Content Overview: How many times a particular page is viewed along with unique views on the website. It also has navigation analysis how visitors found the website. Entrance path how the visitors found the website.
f. Goal Overview: - it help to set the goal for the website. It is used to measure how the website fulfills the business objective. After setting the goal one can check the conversion rate and the monetary value of the traffic received by the website.

By the help of these entire feature a webmaster can achieve good result and able to increase its revenue from the website. One of the good things about this is that it free of cost. Webmaster should know how to utilize this tool completely.

Blog Writing Tips - 1 - Have a Voice

- Have a VoiceWhen you are writing a blog it is important to try and imagine you are in a room of highly opinionated, loud and arrogant people. To be heard you must have a unique, distinct and dynamic voice; this is the key to success in the blogworld! Blogs are meant to personal expressions or opinions about a news topic, event or piece of information. People love to read blogs usually because they connect with the blog writer in some way or they have conflicting views about what the blog writer has written.Anyone can find information on the Internet, it's just a matter of typing in a few keywords on Google and the information will usually present itself in a matter of minutes. However, finding someone's opinion on that piece of information is a lot harder. People who seek blogs are usually highly opinionated and are only looking for a blog to either agree or disagree with it. This is where having a voice is important.The sole reason people write blogs is to generate activity. If they wanted nobody to read what they had written, they would write the blog offline. The only way to generate activity is to stand out from the millions of bloggers by having a unique voice that can be heard all through the Internet jungle. When writing a blog the best way to distinguish your voice is to either side positively or negatively with whatever you are writing about. The goal here is to make readers either agree or disagree with what you have written. If they do this then chances are they will leave a comment.When a person comments on your blog, this can often lead to a chain reaction of comments that could potentially catapult your blog into the upper echelons of the blogworld. People will comment back and fourth until the issue is resolved, whatever that issue may be. In fact, it's very common to find a comment writer who has a louder voice then the actual blog writer. This person will usually write a controversial comment that is so powerful it essentially takes over the blog. All comments after this will typically be directed at the comment writer, instead of the blog writer.Technorati is currently tracking almost 115 million blogs and there are reports of close to 73 million blogs in China alone. In comparison the Australian population only just breaks 20 million. When you are in a crowd of people like this in reality and you want to be heard, the average person typically screams loudly to attract as much attention as possible, but often this doesn't work and just seems to add to the "noise". To really be heard you must project a sense of authority and direction. Some natural born leaders can simply stand up on a chair, in a sea of people, and command their undivided attention, with nothing more then a hand gesture. The point here is that "screaming" in blogs is not the correct way to create a buzz and stir up some activity. Screaming strains your blog voice and will only keep people amused for a limited time. Anyone can write controversial rubbish, stick it up on the Internet and hope for the best, but the trick is doing it in a such a way that it makes you stand out and gives you an online voice that is so clear, it can be identified by the text itself. The good bloggers are so unique they no longer have to put their name on the blog, the writing speaks for itself. People can read a blog and automatically know it was written by their favourite blogger just by the way the blog is structured.
In conclusion...- When using your blog voice try and side either positively or negatively with what you are writing about. Do not sit in the middle; nobody likes a fence sitter.- When projecting your blog voice, remember you are actually talking to people. You are not having a conversation with yourself. If you do this correctly, chances are they will comment back and this activity will spark a chain reaction.- When using your blog voice, do not scream. Nobody likes the loud person who shouts over people. The key here is to build up your voice so that it demands undivided attention. You should be able to get your point across constructively, without shouting.
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Thursday, May 15, 2008

How To Make Money Online With A BLOG And Google

If you conduct any business online or maintain a website to compliment your offline business, then blogging is quickly becoming a mandatory part of your future. And if you are not currently blogging, chances are after realizing the potential of these traffic-enhancing goldmines, you soon will be! Blogs, derived from the words "web log" were originally thought of as simply online diaries a place for people to record their thoughts and inspirations. At first, no one took blogging very seriously and these collections of online thoughts were simply passed off by many as hobbies or creative outlets and nothing more. But then Google came along and started to recognize the unique and original content that these trite little sites presented and the rules of the game suddenly changed. After all, unique content is what makes the Google world go round, and what better way to command the attention of Google than by creating a dynamic environment with content that is solely your own. At this stage, a whole new SEO world emerged and in the process, brought with it traffic opportunities like never before. People began blogging on more than what they had for dinner last night. They started to blog about new products, exciting travel adventures and all things related to online commerce. The evolution quickly continued and today, with RSS feeds, sites like and many other content clearinghouses, blogging is big business and not to be overlooked by hungry entrepreneurs looking to establish a web presence. What currently makes blogging so attractive is the sheer speed with which blogs and blog posts are able to get indexed in the search engines. It is a simple matter of static versus dynamic and the search engines love the dynamic. Let's take two different scenarios to see how traditional websites and blogs differ in their index-ability: Scenario One: One person creates a website to advertise gardening products and services. Each page of the site contains the traditional information about the company; it's founders, the services they offer and the products they sell. Maybe, at best, the site has articles and content that is updated with some small frequency that are relevant to the avid gardener. When visitors arrive at the site, they have the option of signing up for the company newsletter and receiving valuable tips and new offerings. In this scenario, the Webmaster or business owner will need to tend to many SEO related tasks in order to get and maintain high search engine ranking for a tight list of selected keywords related to the gardening niche. Not only will this activity require great skill, it will also involve many hours to achieve the intended results. Scenario Two: The same business owner as above also creates a blog to supplement their company website. Now, instead of focusing on simply one set of tightly selected keywords, the blog itself remains a broad overview of the gardening niche, while each individual post reflects a drilled down topic within that same niche. So when the business owner writes a blog post about the benefits of "organic vegetable gardening in backyard containers," this individual post becomes a keyword rich, targeted wonder and when indexed by the search engines has a far greater opportunity to bringing highly targeted traffic to the blog based upon that single post. Through time, the blog expands with many similar posts that are targeted to sub niches within the broader gardening niche and can even be categorized from inside the blog structure itself. What has now been created in Google's eyes is an extremely dynamic, naturally evolving site that is content rich and niche specific. When properly constructed and promoted, each time the business owner posts to the blog, that individual post can get indexed in anywhere from two to twenty four hours on average. This opportunity is far greater than any options available at the static website. Additionally, when the business owner endeavors to have a visitor signup for a newsletter, further segmenting can occur and subscriber lists can be refined and targeted. And because the blog is the front-end showcase to the original website, each blog post has the opportunity to link back to specific and relevant products at the main site. When properly structured, blogs are the biggest SEO asset to a website that currently exists. The wise business owner will recognize these benefits and when implemented, will enjoy many opportunities that do not currently exist with traditional websites alone.
By: Gregory Burrus
Learn more about building your profitable business, Get Your Business On the Web with free training and membership at blog heaven go to and login now for free.
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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Aidvertising of website

With the sudden escalation of internet users from all around the world, thousands of new free services have been launched in the aim of capturing these potential customers that in the past were in most cases unreachable. These social networks, video sharing services, community forums and free image hosting sites are all vibrating with millions of users ready to be reached with the aid of these exiting innovations. Unleash the power of Social networking:Social networking sites have risen in popularity and currently represent the core of the internet life. Successfully tapping into one of the many social networking sites is like opening a tap of fresh visitors that will blast a site into instant stardom. In most cases all that is required, is an active presence on these sites allied with some cleaver marketing strategies. Video sharing sites:Video sharing sites are free to use sites that enable users to upload and broadcast their videos to a diverse online community. Popular video sharing sites include YouTube, MetaCafe, DailyMotion and Revver. All of the sites mentioned contain their own advantages and disadvantages, so for best results a close inspection of each service is best. The technique behind successful video promotion is quite simple and if done properly, can be considered one of the most effective free advertising methods currently available. It is worth mentioning that promoting a site or service with the aid of video sharing sites is not considered spam or mischievous, in fact it is one of the most prestigious advertising techniques used by many top marketing professionals. In order to take advantage of this method the creation of an appealing video to upload to the video sharing site is required. Videos can be a short film, comic sketch or an exciting real life occurrence worthy of being shared with the community. The main objective is to create something appealing that will drive many users to want to see the video and distribute it with their friends. Each video should contain a link to the author 's site and include some information regarding the site or service offered. Free advertising servicesThere are many free advertising services that can provide a good alternative for individuals looking for complimentary sponsorship opportunities. Such sites are uniquely dedicated to free marketing and can be very useful although sometimes there are some restrictions that should be closely inspected. Adgridwork is an advertising network that enables site owners to publicize their services on other websites totally free of charge. Webmasters interested in participating will display free ads on their sites in exchange for free exposure on the advertising network. ReviewBack is a blog reviewing and exchange system developed for bloggers wanting to promote their sites with the help of the blogging community. Bloggers can exchange reviews with each other and in this way benefit from more traffic. BlogRush is a free service focused on driving more readers to blogs. Bloggers add a widget to their sites which in return will permit them to instantly distribute their latest blog post titles across a network of related blogs. Community content driven sites:Community content driven sites depend on information and content provided by its users to flourish. Taking advantage of such sites provides an excellent opportunity for marketers wanting to reach specific audiences while also benefiting from widespread exposure. Squidoo is a community driven sites that permits users to create a lens about any topic they wish. These articles can enclose links to other sites and contain information about services or products on offer. Wikipedia is currently the largest online encyclopedia and one of the most visited sites on the internet. Contributing by writing new articles and documentation is a good way to promote a site. Individuals who contribute can then place links to sites containing useful resources relating to the article.With the aid of these extraordinary services promoting a site for free is possible and extremely rewarding. There are many alternatives so for best results one should always try various methods and analyze closely which provide de best results.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Boost Traffic Generation with Content Articles

In order to attract swarms of traffic, writing content articles works wonders. For starters, achieving a top ranking in search engine results requires that your link be distributed throughout the web on other websites. Search engines place a major emphasis on link popularity, or the frequency in which your site's link appears on other websites. By writing articles, you increase exposure.

Through writing articles, you increase the popularity of your website. Strewn throughout the web are pages designed exclusively to make Google AdSense profits. Webmasters across the globe are registering domains, writing 20-30 pages of informative content on any given topic, and plastering their Google ads to generate profit off of impressions and click-throughs. Not only can you make a profit, but your traffic will increase tenfold. By adding keyword-rich text to your pages, you trigger the search engines into indexing more of your website. Slowly but surely, your written content will climb search engine rankings. Add depth and focus on quantity of articles: the more articles your site has, the better chance of your site being added to the search engines.

Crafting informative articles for web content will create a solid base for link popularity. Other websites of interest who want to distribute their links as well will be interested in linking back to your website. Remember, the more your link appears on the Web, the higher your Google ranking. In addition, you will become an authoritative figure for the topic you write about. That Ferrari fan will return again and again if your article on Lamborghini engines piques their interest. Search engines pay more attention to websites that are informative and have the right mix of keywords involved to trigger them.

If you're a solid writer, you may also become a guest writer for other websites. Tap into your viral marketing prowess by adding your name and a link back to your website at the bottomof every article. Not only will you establish yourself as an authoritative figure and lure visitors, but you'll also reap the rewards with free website traffic. Increase your visibility in as many websites as possible besides your own with content articles.
If you're providing content to your site each and every day, applaud yourself. The search engine spiders automatically give preference to those sites that include fresh content every day. If you own a blog for example, and incorporate it into your website, search engines will pay more attention. Have poor writing skills? You can hire freelance writers to write articles for you, for as low as $5 per 300 word article. Helping hands are available at freelance sites like and
As the popular Internet saying goes, &quotcontent is King!"
About the author

Ryan Smith is the owner of and Hot Web Ring, which offers high quality traffic for free! Find out more at from

Index Blog in Search engine

Getting indexed in search engine is very important for publicizing the Blog. There are many online tools available on the Internet like Google, yahoo and MSN. Its is very easy process to get index just go to just add URL of Blog. There chances that Blog would not indexed with immediate, as mention in the site it takes some time to get indexed. Google has also provided very important online tool call Google webmaster in that tool Google has provided many resources to manage the site traffic. The main Functionality of Webmaster is Statistics, diagnostics and management of Google indexing of website. There you can get the status that your site is indexed in Google search engine or not. there is one service provided by Google is blog ping service it will add the blog into there blog search. there so many sites available which provide ping services for websites and blog.
all this sites ping the all available blog services and publish ths blog. By the help of all this thing Blog traffic can be increased to some extent

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Tips for Blogger

Important TIP for Blogger: This Blog is specially created for people who wants to create new blogs. I will post some tip for earning through blogging. It is not bad if your blog will earn some money for you. But you will ask there are already so many sites and blogs are existing on the Internet who provides tips and tricks for blogging. Here i have tried to provide you all the content for blogging as well as how to earn through blogging. which is main objective of my blog. I want to share my knowledge which i have gain through searching all websites.
Creating a Blog is not a rocket science but if your creating a Blog for public users it is not easy to bring traffic to your blog. Until and unless you will not find new readers for blog. So most important thing for a blogger is to increase traffic for blog. In this Blog i will also providesome tips for increasing traffic for blog.

Some sites which provide online money making through AD and referral program are.
1. ADSENSE : ADSENSE by google is one of the best AD program for website and blog. It is also easy to signup and they only show simple AD on website.
2.Bidvertiser: second in AD program. The best thig about them is that minimum payout is 10$, where as in adsense it is 100$. Means you dont have wait for your first check payment.
3. AzoogleAds: they are the one of the biggest Affiliate ad program. there payment is based on performance based.

4. Auction Ads : This affiliate program by ebay. Auction will be displayed on the website. payment is based on revenue share for each promoter.

As given above there many type of Ad and referral program in internet but given ones are best in the market and they all SPAM free.

Articles for Blog: - one of the most important for blog is that it should have good article and should provide good information to readers. Before creating a Blog it should be decided what will be the theme of blog, which topic should be covered in the blog. It could be about anyone life, writing diary and it could be about Hobbies and any information. Just the same way I have dedicated my blog to tips for new bloggers. Either a person can write article himself or can be get for anywhere else on internet. Many sites are available which provide free articles. The best thing is that if you have enough time it is better to write on our own. Its also improves writing skills. Good Articles can help to increase the rank of blog in search engines. If a Blog is in Top 10 sites then there are chances that Blog traffic will be high and so about earnings. So emphasize on good article is important in Blogging. Mostly look for information on internet, so it is better to provide latest information and new technologies. I found that many blogger are famous about there daily life, people like to read about what happening in there life. But it should be that much intresting that user stuck to it and come back to that blog.